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"Survey paints potrait of black women in America" featured article by The Washington Post
This article is a must read!
Transition: My Ah-Ha Moment
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"A Woman in Transition is a woman who finds herself bracing for a new phase in life. “Transition” is not just a change in routines, relationships or social status – it is a fundamental shift in a woman’s identity. It could be brought on with purposeful intent, such as voluntarily retiring from a successful career, or entering a second marriage. It could be brought on by an unexpected surprise, such as losing a spouse to a heart attack, or becoming single after a painful divorce. For a Woman in Transition, the uncertainty of the future can result in anxiety and fear and/or excitement and anticipation." Athena Chang CFP, Wealth Manager, April 2011.
I ran into a young lady who had just did the Big Chop and who was flaunting a fabulous mohawk. It was like the cut was made just for her. So, as I was giving her compliments about her hair, I noticed she was "a woman in transition" trying to embrace this new phase in her life. This young lady, with the fabulous "hawk", needed encouragement and support about her new look that it took another fifteen minutes to explain how to maintain her new look and what products she should used as well as what type of leave-in conditioner, shampoo, and styling products would be good for her hair texture and curl pattern. I could tell that she was struggling to embrace her new look, but trust me it was FABULOUS!.
So here is my ah-ha moment.
Even though there are millions of blogs on natural hair and billions of natural hair how-to videos on youtube (and the number continues to grow), I understand that there are women who are going natural everyday and transition for them can be full of anxiety, fear, excitement, and anticipation. It means more than being chemically free. Many women struggle with the following questions as they are transitioning...How will I maintain my new look? Did I make the right choice by going natural? Can I find the right products for my hair texture? And so on...
Here is my answer to all of the above.
Knowledge is the key to a successful transition phase. Learn the basics of maintaining your natural hair. Research products before you purchase them. Avoid becoming a "product junkie". Ask questions as you are on your natural hair journey. Follow natural hair blogs.
Most importantly, learn to fall in love with your natural hair and celebrate your decision; take it from me, you will be glad that you did.
"A Woman in Transition is a woman who finds herself bracing for a new phase in life. “Transition” is not just a change in routines, relationships or social status – it is a fundamental shift in a woman’s identity. It could be brought on with purposeful intent, such as voluntarily retiring from a successful career, or entering a second marriage. It could be brought on by an unexpected surprise, such as losing a spouse to a heart attack, or becoming single after a painful divorce. For a Woman in Transition, the uncertainty of the future can result in anxiety and fear and/or excitement and anticipation." Athena Chang CFP, Wealth Manager, April 2011.
I ran into a young lady who had just did the Big Chop and who was flaunting a fabulous mohawk. It was like the cut was made just for her. So, as I was giving her compliments about her hair, I noticed she was "a woman in transition" trying to embrace this new phase in her life. This young lady, with the fabulous "hawk", needed encouragement and support about her new look that it took another fifteen minutes to explain how to maintain her new look and what products she should used as well as what type of leave-in conditioner, shampoo, and styling products would be good for her hair texture and curl pattern. I could tell that she was struggling to embrace her new look, but trust me it was FABULOUS!.
So here is my ah-ha moment.
Even though there are millions of blogs on natural hair and billions of natural hair how-to videos on youtube (and the number continues to grow), I understand that there are women who are going natural everyday and transition for them can be full of anxiety, fear, excitement, and anticipation. It means more than being chemically free. Many women struggle with the following questions as they are transitioning...How will I maintain my new look? Did I make the right choice by going natural? Can I find the right products for my hair texture? And so on...
Here is my answer to all of the above.
Knowledge is the key to a successful transition phase. Learn the basics of maintaining your natural hair. Research products before you purchase them. Avoid becoming a "product junkie". Ask questions as you are on your natural hair journey. Follow natural hair blogs.
Most importantly, learn to fall in love with your natural hair and celebrate your decision; take it from me, you will be glad that you did.
"4 Tips for Dealing with Natural Hair Shrinkage" by TGIN
Welcome to my chair...
As you can tell, I love to share articles, you tube videos, anything I find useful to help you transition to natural hair everyday.
So here is another good read, enjoy!
"4 Tips for Dealing with Natural Hair Shrinkage" by Thank God I'm Natural.
As you can tell, I love to share articles, you tube videos, anything I find useful to help you transition to natural hair everyday.
So here is another good read, enjoy!
"4 Tips for Dealing with Natural Hair Shrinkage" by Thank God I'm Natural.
"Go From Stressed To Blessed" by Lisa Nichols
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For today's post, please check out "Go From Stressed to Blessed", featured article written by Lisa Nichols. It's a must read!!!
Lisa Nichols. Source: Essence Magazine
For today's post, please check out "Go From Stressed to Blessed", featured article written by Lisa Nichols. It's a must read!!!
Lisa Nichols. Source: Essence Magazine
Natural Hair: Get Creative With Homemade Recipes
By Elle Paris
Do you wear your hair natural? No lye? As many will tell you, once you make a change to go natural your hair regimen must also change. This frequently includes an adjustment to the types of products you use on your coils. A number of your old stand-bys may no longer lend you the same results on your kinks as they did on your straight hair.
Product junkies will agree -- you can spend hundreds of dollars testing out the numerous products available on the market, many of which are supposedly intended for natural hair use. However, breaking the bank is really not necessary for a healthy, strong and shiny natural. You already have key ingredients in your own kitchen and bathroom!
Creating your own hair recipes not only saves money, but allows for a more intimate relationship with your hair -- you can gain a much better insight as to what your hair craves, prefers, or rejects with your at-home experiments.
Get creative! There are a few simple rules to follow to find your perfect concoctions:
Don't mix too many things at once. Start out with simple recipes, say, mixing one main ingredient and adding a small amount of another. It's much easier to determine what worked and what didn't when your ingredients list is limited.
Create two-ingredient mixes and try them until you find a mix that works well on your hair. If it's a "perfect" mix, continue using it! If it's a "pretty good" mix, retry the recipe with the same main ingredient then alter the secondary ingredient until you reach perfection. You may find you need to reverse the amounts used, making the main ingredient the secondary ingredient.
If there is one particular ingredient you find most always works well on your hair, make it a staple for your hair recipes, adding it as a standard part of all your recipes.
Alter the way you apply the mixes to your hair. Try dousing your hair with your Super Yogurt Surprise while your hair is drenching wet in the shower. Does it work well this way? Try another time by making it a bit more liquidy and spritz it on your dried hair with a spray bottle. Perhaps your hair responds better to this application.
For ingredients, a general rule of thumb is if it's ok to ingest, it's probably ok to apply to your hair as well. Pureed fruit, honey, apple cider vinegar and many more items are great additions to homemade hair recipes.
Take note of what works for you and how it worked. Some recipes may be better for clarifying while others make for great deep conditioners. Search and compare! If you're a little timid about applying egg whites to your hair, make use of resources available to you before doing so. Search the Internet for your particular ingredients. You just may find others who have tried the same type of recipe and enjoyed success or experienced a nightmare.
Go beyond your kitchen! Many cities have well-stocked health food and natural stores with a huge selection of ingredients to boost your hair recipes. Experiment with essential oils (a few drops go a long way!), xanthum gum (a thickener, also known as xanthan), as well as conditioners and leave-ins you won't likely find at department stores and drug stores.
Remember, a recipe failure is a good thing. It lets you know what your hair simply does not respond to well. The worst likely thing that can happen with the use of your homemade products is the need to wash your hair again, so get creative!
Elle Paris is the owner of My Natural, which provides no-nonsense user reviews for hundreds of products for natural hair care.
Do you wear your hair natural? No lye? As many will tell you, once you make a change to go natural your hair regimen must also change. This frequently includes an adjustment to the types of products you use on your coils. A number of your old stand-bys may no longer lend you the same results on your kinks as they did on your straight hair.
Product junkies will agree -- you can spend hundreds of dollars testing out the numerous products available on the market, many of which are supposedly intended for natural hair use. However, breaking the bank is really not necessary for a healthy, strong and shiny natural. You already have key ingredients in your own kitchen and bathroom!
Creating your own hair recipes not only saves money, but allows for a more intimate relationship with your hair -- you can gain a much better insight as to what your hair craves, prefers, or rejects with your at-home experiments.
Get creative! There are a few simple rules to follow to find your perfect concoctions:
Don't mix too many things at once. Start out with simple recipes, say, mixing one main ingredient and adding a small amount of another. It's much easier to determine what worked and what didn't when your ingredients list is limited.
Create two-ingredient mixes and try them until you find a mix that works well on your hair. If it's a "perfect" mix, continue using it! If it's a "pretty good" mix, retry the recipe with the same main ingredient then alter the secondary ingredient until you reach perfection. You may find you need to reverse the amounts used, making the main ingredient the secondary ingredient.
If there is one particular ingredient you find most always works well on your hair, make it a staple for your hair recipes, adding it as a standard part of all your recipes.
Alter the way you apply the mixes to your hair. Try dousing your hair with your Super Yogurt Surprise while your hair is drenching wet in the shower. Does it work well this way? Try another time by making it a bit more liquidy and spritz it on your dried hair with a spray bottle. Perhaps your hair responds better to this application.
For ingredients, a general rule of thumb is if it's ok to ingest, it's probably ok to apply to your hair as well. Pureed fruit, honey, apple cider vinegar and many more items are great additions to homemade hair recipes.
Take note of what works for you and how it worked. Some recipes may be better for clarifying while others make for great deep conditioners. Search and compare! If you're a little timid about applying egg whites to your hair, make use of resources available to you before doing so. Search the Internet for your particular ingredients. You just may find others who have tried the same type of recipe and enjoyed success or experienced a nightmare.
Go beyond your kitchen! Many cities have well-stocked health food and natural stores with a huge selection of ingredients to boost your hair recipes. Experiment with essential oils (a few drops go a long way!), xanthum gum (a thickener, also known as xanthan), as well as conditioners and leave-ins you won't likely find at department stores and drug stores.
Remember, a recipe failure is a good thing. It lets you know what your hair simply does not respond to well. The worst likely thing that can happen with the use of your homemade products is the need to wash your hair again, so get creative!
Elle Paris is the owner of My Natural, which provides no-nonsense user reviews for hundreds of products for natural hair care.
Damn, I Love My Natural Hair!
Welcome to my chair...
In December, I discovered a empowering blog called "The Daily Love" which I read daily. I cannot express how much this blog has impacted my way of seeing things and my new outlook in 2012. Well, in yesterday's featured reading on "The Daily Love", guest blogger Jenna Phillips post was titled "I Love Love Love Me!" Jenna states, "when was the last time you told the most important person (meaning you) that you loved him or her"...
Damn, I had to stop reading and think about this one and honestly, it has been a minute since I looked myself in the mirror and said, "Damn, I love my natural hair"!
So, now I am asking you, when was the last time you told the most important person in the world that you loved their natural hair? You had to think about it...didn't you?
So I decided to keep reading and then, Jenna even had the nerve to suggest that I give myself a hug. I am 0 for 2 right now, I can't tell you how long it has been since I did this one but when I did...OMG! It was great, like Tony the Tiger "Grrrrrreat"(lol).
I triple dare you to give the most important ______________ a big hug...I'll let you fill in the blank...lol.
After reading "I Love Love Love Me!", I take a look back on my natural hair journey and why I decided to go natural.
Do you remember the scene in "Waiting to Exhale" when Bernadine, played by Angela Bassett, was coming out of her marriage and decided to cut off all of her hair as if this action was somehow a symbol of freeing herself from the denial and deception that she had embraced.
Well, sisters this was me!!! When I did my big chop, I felt I was cutting away years of pretending to be someone I was not in order to keep someone else happy, and believe me, when the chop was over, I felt like Bernadine...free and ready for new beginnings.
Did you catch those last two words, "New Beginnings"?
I know many of you can relate to my Bernadine moments. I must admit though, it did include a little bit more than cutting my hair but I plead the 5th. What??? I was "Waiting to Exhale"...lol.
Seriously though, at that moment, I realize that what I allowed to happen to me was the result of me not loving myself and I wanted to learn to love myself again in the purest form and loving my hair natural was only the beginning...
Well, it has been almost ten years since I took my first big chop, (with no regrets) and reading "I Love Love Love Me!" reminded me of why I decided to go natural...my natural hair represents my right to fall in love with my gift and that gift is ME!
Each and every one of us have our own reasons for loving our natural hair, some may have been in the same state as I was and some may have not. Matter of fact, this may not be the first time you have read a blog post on this subject matter but it was in my heart to share this thought while you were in my chair.
If this post is not for you, pass it along to someone who may be having a "Bernadine" moment, it may be just what that person needs to hear to not feel like a victim of their circumstances. I took my life back and fell in love with my natural hair.
Damn, that was powerful enough to repeat...I TOOK MY LIFE BACK AND FELL IN LOVE WITH MY NATURAL HAIR.
Now for the side effects...Cutting your hair off or wearing you hair natural may not be what you need to do to fall in love with the most important person in your life, and that is YOU! But one thing I do know is this, if you are surrounded by people who are making you feel unworthy of self-love, cutting their asses off is definitely something you need to do. You will be amazed at the results!!!
Don't you just love my sense of humor??? I Do Because I Love Myself.
Now welcome back to my chair...
When was your "haha" moment and you learned the importance of loving yourself?
In December, I discovered a empowering blog called "The Daily Love" which I read daily. I cannot express how much this blog has impacted my way of seeing things and my new outlook in 2012. Well, in yesterday's featured reading on "The Daily Love", guest blogger Jenna Phillips post was titled "I Love Love Love Me!" Jenna states, "when was the last time you told the most important person (meaning you) that you loved him or her"...
Damn, I had to stop reading and think about this one and honestly, it has been a minute since I looked myself in the mirror and said, "Damn, I love my natural hair"!
So, now I am asking you, when was the last time you told the most important person in the world that you loved their natural hair? You had to think about it...didn't you?
So I decided to keep reading and then, Jenna even had the nerve to suggest that I give myself a hug. I am 0 for 2 right now, I can't tell you how long it has been since I did this one but when I did...OMG! It was great, like Tony the Tiger "Grrrrrreat"(lol).
I triple dare you to give the most important ______________ a big hug...I'll let you fill in the blank...lol.
After reading "I Love Love Love Me!", I take a look back on my natural hair journey and why I decided to go natural.
Do you remember the scene in "Waiting to Exhale" when Bernadine, played by Angela Bassett, was coming out of her marriage and decided to cut off all of her hair as if this action was somehow a symbol of freeing herself from the denial and deception that she had embraced.
Well, sisters this was me!!! When I did my big chop, I felt I was cutting away years of pretending to be someone I was not in order to keep someone else happy, and believe me, when the chop was over, I felt like Bernadine...free and ready for new beginnings.
Did you catch those last two words, "New Beginnings"?
I know many of you can relate to my Bernadine moments. I must admit though, it did include a little bit more than cutting my hair but I plead the 5th. What??? I was "Waiting to Exhale"...lol.
Seriously though, at that moment, I realize that what I allowed to happen to me was the result of me not loving myself and I wanted to learn to love myself again in the purest form and loving my hair natural was only the beginning...
Well, it has been almost ten years since I took my first big chop, (with no regrets) and reading "I Love Love Love Me!" reminded me of why I decided to go natural...my natural hair represents my right to fall in love with my gift and that gift is ME!
Each and every one of us have our own reasons for loving our natural hair, some may have been in the same state as I was and some may have not. Matter of fact, this may not be the first time you have read a blog post on this subject matter but it was in my heart to share this thought while you were in my chair.
If this post is not for you, pass it along to someone who may be having a "Bernadine" moment, it may be just what that person needs to hear to not feel like a victim of their circumstances. I took my life back and fell in love with my natural hair.
Damn, that was powerful enough to repeat...I TOOK MY LIFE BACK AND FELL IN LOVE WITH MY NATURAL HAIR.
Now for the side effects...Cutting your hair off or wearing you hair natural may not be what you need to do to fall in love with the most important person in your life, and that is YOU! But one thing I do know is this, if you are surrounded by people who are making you feel unworthy of self-love, cutting their asses off is definitely something you need to do. You will be amazed at the results!!!
Don't you just love my sense of humor??? I Do Because I Love Myself.
Now welcome back to my chair...
When was your "haha" moment and you learned the importance of loving yourself?
Natural is Our Heritage
Welcome to my chair...
I remember growing up and watching my mom braiding her hair at night to wake up and have the most fabulous afro I had ever seen. My mom was my first mentor and role model that taught me to embrace my beauty as a black woman and celebrate my natural hair. I remember every saturday, my mom took the time and had the patience to shampoo and cornrow my natural tresses as well as my baby sister's hair into some of the most unique and beautiful styles. My mother was my first teacher in the art of afro braiding and natural hair creativity. Natural is definitely our heritage.
Stepping back in time, I remember black movies like, "Which Way Is Up", "Cotton Comes to Harlem", "The Cotton Club"; and television shows like, "Goodtimes", "The Jeffersons", and "What's Happening", where black actresses celebrated their natural hair like forms of art. One of my favorite characters was "Foxy Brown" played by actress Pam Grier.
Pam Grier (The Original "Foxy Brown")
Source: Gregorys Shock Theater
For some of us, (not telling our age), wanted to wear our natural hair like Pam Grier, Diana Ross, Chaka Khan, and of course let's not forget political activist and professor Angela Davis. These are just a few of the most dymanic women who placed an impact on our natural hair culture. Once again...Natural is Our Heritage.
Do you remember the black comb, the afro pic, and the red cardboard container of royal crown hairdressing?
Share your memories today?
I remember growing up and watching my mom braiding her hair at night to wake up and have the most fabulous afro I had ever seen. My mom was my first mentor and role model that taught me to embrace my beauty as a black woman and celebrate my natural hair. I remember every saturday, my mom took the time and had the patience to shampoo and cornrow my natural tresses as well as my baby sister's hair into some of the most unique and beautiful styles. My mother was my first teacher in the art of afro braiding and natural hair creativity. Natural is definitely our heritage.
Stepping back in time, I remember black movies like, "Which Way Is Up", "Cotton Comes to Harlem", "The Cotton Club"; and television shows like, "Goodtimes", "The Jeffersons", and "What's Happening", where black actresses celebrated their natural hair like forms of art. One of my favorite characters was "Foxy Brown" played by actress Pam Grier.
Pam Grier (The Original "Foxy Brown")
Source: Gregorys Shock Theater
For some of us, (not telling our age), wanted to wear our natural hair like Pam Grier, Diana Ross, Chaka Khan, and of course let's not forget political activist and professor Angela Davis. These are just a few of the most dymanic women who placed an impact on our natural hair culture. Once again...Natural is Our Heritage.
Do you remember the black comb, the afro pic, and the red cardboard container of royal crown hairdressing?
Share your memories today?
Transition Is Not Only for Natural Hair in 2012
Welcome to my chair...
As 2011 was coming to a close, I took a few moments to reflect on how I would begin my transition in 2012 as a person, a natural hair diva, and as a natural hair professional.
Instead of making a bunch of resolutions for 2012, that I will probably only commit to for a couple of weeks, I decided to reflect on what doors I needed to closed once 2011 was over and begin making my transition in 2012.
In my search for closure, I found two great sites during the month of December 2011, thedailylove.com and 101 daily wealth affirmations.
I am please to announce that the above sites are making a difference in my journey as a person.
I am pretty sure many of us could us a little bit of transition to walk through 2012 in success and well-being. I know I definitely did.
For example, over the past year, I questioned my vision and love as a natural hair stylist and if I should pursue another career in 2012.
Well, through meditation (and it is important to have a quiet moment everyday), I reminded myself that I became a professional stylist because I love the challenge of enhancing your natural beauty, helping you maintain a healthy head of hair, and seeing the smile on your face once you leave my chair.
In conclusion, I would like to continue to encourage, recommend, and help you embrace your true natural beauty. I pray and hope that your natural hair journey continues to be a prosperous one in 2012.
Transition means new beginnings...and ours begins today.
As 2011 was coming to a close, I took a few moments to reflect on how I would begin my transition in 2012 as a person, a natural hair diva, and as a natural hair professional.
Instead of making a bunch of resolutions for 2012, that I will probably only commit to for a couple of weeks, I decided to reflect on what doors I needed to closed once 2011 was over and begin making my transition in 2012.
In my search for closure, I found two great sites during the month of December 2011, thedailylove.com and 101 daily wealth affirmations.
I am please to announce that the above sites are making a difference in my journey as a person.
I am pretty sure many of us could us a little bit of transition to walk through 2012 in success and well-being. I know I definitely did.
For example, over the past year, I questioned my vision and love as a natural hair stylist and if I should pursue another career in 2012.
Well, through meditation (and it is important to have a quiet moment everyday), I reminded myself that I became a professional stylist because I love the challenge of enhancing your natural beauty, helping you maintain a healthy head of hair, and seeing the smile on your face once you leave my chair.
In conclusion, I would like to continue to encourage, recommend, and help you embrace your true natural beauty. I pray and hope that your natural hair journey continues to be a prosperous one in 2012.
Transition means new beginnings...and ours begins today.
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